

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

the overall height was 42 meters, but was only 34,5 meters after restoration and had the dimension of 123x 123 meters(15,129 square meters).the were 10 floor. the first floor up to the sixth floor was square form,the seventh to the tenth floor were round form.
borobudur is facing to the east with a total of 1460 panels(2 meters wide each),total size of the temple walls was 2500 square meters, full of relief.the total number of panels with relief was 1212. according to investigations, the total number of buddha statue was 504 including the intact and damaged statues.the tample undergone restoration from 1905 to 1910 and the last restoration was doner in 1973 to 1983.
ever since the fist excavation most experts speculated on the exact shape of the tample. hoenig ,in his book "das from das borobudur"speculate that original form of borobudur temple had four gates and nine floors .the form of borobudur tample is similar to tamples found in cambodia. according to parmenteir the huge single stupa on top of the temple made the smaller stupas in the lower part looked drowned.stutterheim who had been studying stupas in india and other parts of asia concluded that the stup structure was an indian origin.the original purpose of stupa building was as storage of buddha gautama and other holy priests cremation ash.
accorrding to stutterheim,the overall from of borobudur temple is a combination of zigurat (middle asian pyramid) and indian stup. stutterhiem opinion was supported by the exstence of his type of form in ancient javanese literature.

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