

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Nama:febri sandriya


LKS task page 33
image 1 tells us that forests store so beauty is priceless and even the forest itself occupied approximately myriads of flora and fauna are diverse.

Image 2 tells us that forests now begin to damage the plants proved that age old enough to take the wood / in cutting ties to the interests of officials who do not want to think about the risks

image 3 tells how the damage was inflicted on the ecosystem in the surrounding woods and experiencing landslides.

Picture 4 tells how much of the forest in the country is deforested due to logging that can not be prevented.

picture 5 tells how as a result of deforestation due to logging that is not fair is done by interest groups and consequently the people receive a large impact of the floods because of all the plants in use roots to absorb water after rain turned the water logging could not be found fully absorbed in the end it came to pass flood
now we must realize this and learn from our mistakes so that each of our children and grandchildren are not burdened future risks due to logging sustainably and we are now slowly taking shape to make reforestation and so that no gobal warming that threatens life on this earth.

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