Wawancara Dengan Pengusaha Es Creamµ´Wawancara Dengan Pengusaha Es CreamµPewawancaraPak Anto : Narasumber ( Pengusaha Es Cream)
Pada kesempatan ini kami akan mewawancarai seorang pengusaha Es Cream yang telahsukses dalam berdagangnya hingga ia dapat menyekolahkan dan mengkuliahkan anaknya. Yang berikut ini ialah isi wawancara kami dengan pedagang es Cream tersebut, yaitu Bapak Anto
: Selamat pagi pak«??
Pak Anto
: Ya..Pagi«
: Permisi Pak, Maaf mengganggu sebentar, bolehkah Kami mewawancaraiBapak..?
Pak Anto
: Ya Boleh. Silahkan..
: Siapakah nama Bapak,
Pak Anto
: Nama saya Anto.
: sudah berapa lama Bapak membuka usaha Es Cream ..?
Pak Anto
: Kira-kira sudah hampir dua puluh tahun
: Terlebih dahulu kasih kami ucapkan terima kasih banyak kerana atas kesudian Pak Antountuk diwawancara. Bagaimanakah awal mula Pak Anto Bekerja sebagai seorangpengusaha Es Cream..?
Pak Anto
: Pada awalnya sih saya merasa tidak cocok untuk berjualan Es Cream ini. Tapi karenamasalah Ekonomi yang semakin hari semakin meningkat dan juga kebutuhan hidupkeluarga saya yang semakin banyak. Oleh karena itu saya memberanikan diri untukmembuka usaha seperti ini
: Pak kalo boleh saya tahu, bagaimanakah awal mulanya usaha Bapakmenjadi seorang pengusaha Es Cream, hingga sukses seperti ini..?
Pak Anto
: Pada awal mulanya aya hanya bekerja sebagai pedagang Es Cream keliling. Tetapisetelah saya mendapat modal yang cukup, saya mencoba untuk membuka usahatersebut sendiri.
: Pertamakali Bapak memebuka usaha ini apakah bapak berkerja sendiriatau di Bantu oleh pekerja yang lain..?
Pak Anto
: Pertamakalinya sih saya bekerja sendiri. Tapi semakin hari semakin sibuk,saya memutuskan untuk mencari para pekerja.
: Berapa Orang para pekerja bapak pada saat itu..?
Pak Anto
: Saat itu pekerja saya hanya berjumlah lima orang.
: Dan jumlah pekerja bapak hingga sekarang ini sudah mencapai berapaorang..?
Pak Anto
: Sudah hampir lima puluh orang.
: Oya Pak.. Para pekerja Bapak Pria atau Wanita..?
Pak Anto
: Pria dan Wanita, tapi yang paling banyak sih Pria
: Kalo Pria kerjanya apa sih Pak..?
Pak Anto
: Kebanyakanya sih mereka menjadi penjual/pedagang keliling. Di sampingmembuat Es Cream.
: Dan wanita..?
Pak Anto
: Para wanita kerjanya yaitu mengemas Es Cream.
: Kalo boleh tahu, Bahan-bahan untuk membuat Es Cream itu terdiri dariapa saja sih pak..?
Pak Anto
: Bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat Es Cream yaitu : Kuning telur, Airmatang, Cmc makanan, Santan, Susu kental, Vanily, Sodium/natrium benzoat
: Oh« JAdi bahanya itu semuanya ada tujuh jenis. Terus cara pembuatanEs Cream itu sendiri bagaimana dan seperti apa sih Pak..?Pak Anto: Cara membuatnya yaitu terdiri atas Enam cara.. Pertama-tama Cmc makanan dilarutkandengan air, dan di aduk r ata, setelah di aduk lalu di saring supaya halus hasilnya.Yang ke-Dua Kuning telur kita masukan pada larutan cmc makanan, lalu kita aduk -aduk sampa merata dan kekuning - kuningan. Selanjutnya yang ke-Tiga susu dansantan kitamasukan pada kuning telur, lalu di aduk hingga rata. Yang ke-Empat Vanily dan sodiumbenjoat kita masukan ke larutan susu. Yang ke-Lima semua adonan tersebutdipanaskan sampai mendidih. Dan yang terakhir, ke-Enam yaitu setelah matang kitadinginkan sebentar lalu dimasukan kedalam Fretzer/Kulkas agar supaya membeku.
: Wah« Caranya lumayan melelahkan juga kayanya pak..
Pak Anto
: Memang sih«
: Oya pak Es Cream yang sudah Bapak Anto Produksi ada berapamacam / varian sih..?
Pak Anto
: Yang sudah saya prouksi, hingga saat ini ada Tujuh Varian. Dan di kemasberbeda-beda sesuai ukuranya.Pemberita: Dari ke-Tujuh Varian tersebut ada rasa apa saja sih Pak..?
Pak Anto
: Rasa Coklat, Strowberry, vanilla, Orange, Mangga, Nanas, dan Leci. Dan dari ke-Tujuh jenis tersebut masing-masing memiliki jenis yang berbeda-beda.
: Dari semua rasa yang ada, yang paling banyak di beli rasa apa aja sih..?Pak Anto: Yang paling banyak di gemari yaitu rasa Coklat, dan StrawberryPemberita
: Kalau Es Cream yang sudah dikemas dan siap di jual kitadistribusikan/jual kemana aja..?
Pak Anto
: Tentunya kita distribusikan ke Super Market, Toko - toko, / warung.Disamping di dangangkan oleh para pedagang keliling.
: Darin semua jenis Es Cream tersebut Bapak jual biasanya dengan hargaberapa sih Pak..?
Pak Anto
: Kalo harga sih tergantung pada jenis/bentuknya, Disi kami menyediakanharga mulai dari Rp. 1.500.00-, 2.000.00-, sampai dengan Rp. 10.000.00-,.
: Wah« Harganya lumayan terjangkau juga ya Pak. Dan keuntungah darihasil penjualan Es Cream tersebut perbulanya berapa..?
Pak Anton
: Keuntungan / Laba yang Kami peroleh dari hasil keseluruhan penjualanhampir mencapai,
: Besar banget« Kalau boleh saya tahu dari hasil usaha ini Bapak gunakanuntuk apa saja Pak..?
Pak Anto
: Dari hasil usaha tersebut saya pakai untuk menggaji para karyawan saya, Akomodasiperusahaan, kebutuhan hidup saya dan keluarga saya. Dan juga biaya sekolah dankuliah anak saya.
: Setelah Bapak sukses seperti ini. Rencana ke depanya seperti apa..?
Pak Anto
: Rencana saya ke depan adalah saya ingin terus meningkatkanperusahaan saya ini baik dalam segi kualitas maupun kuantitas.
: Kalau begitu selamat dan sukses deh Pak. Semoga apa yang Bapak harapkan danimpikan bisa terkabul..Amiiin.. Mungkin wawancara kami dengan Bapak Kami rasasudah cukup, Dan Kami mengucapkan terima kasih banyak atas waktu yang Bapakluangkan kepada Kami dan juga Informasinya yang Kami butuhkan. Sekali lagi kamimengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya, dan apabila ada kata-kata dari Kamiyang kiranya tidak berkenan di hati Bapak kami mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya..
Pak Anto :

Senin, 19 Maret 2012
Interview With Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Ice Ice Creamμ'Wawancara With CreamμPewawancaraPak Anto: Resource Persons (Ice Cream Entrepreneur)
On this occasion we are going to interview an entrepreneur who telahsukses Ice Cream in berdagangnya until he could send his son and lecture. The following is the content of our interview with the ice cream vendors, namely Mr. Anto
: Good morning sir «??
Pak Anto
: Yes .. Morning «
: Excuse me Sir, Sorry to bother you for a while, can we mewawancaraiBapak ..?
Pak Anto
: Yes May. Please ..
: Who is the name of the Father,
Pak Anto
My name is Anto.
: How long Mr. Ice Cream to open a business ..?
Pak Anto
: Approximately already almost twenty years
: First we thank you very much on the willingness kerana Pak Antountuk interviewed. How is the beginning of Pak Anto Working as seorangpengusaha Ice Cream ..?
Pak Anto
: At first I still do not get along to sell Ice Cream this. But karenamasalah ever growing economy and also increased my hidupkeluarga needs more and more. I therefore take the liberty untukmembuka this business
: Sir if I may know how it started a business venture Bapakmenjadi Ice Cream, to succeed like this ..?
Pak Anto
: In the beginning aya only work as itinerant traders Ice Cream. Tetapisetelah I got enough capital, I tried to open his own usahatersebut.
: It was first of this effort is Mr. memebuka sendiriatau father worked in the Bantu by other workers ..?
Pak Anto
: Heck the first time I was working alone. But it is increasingly busy, I decided to look for workers.
: How The father of the workers at that time ..?
Pak Anto
: It was my work number only five.
: And the father of the number of workers up to now it has reached berapaorang ..?
Pak Anto
: It's been nearly fifty people.
: Oh yes sir .. The workers Mr Men or Women ..?
Pak Anto
: Men and Women, but the most hell man
: If it works what the hell man sir ..?
Pak Anto
: Kebanyakanya heck they become sellers / traders around. In sampingmembuat Ice Cream.
: And the woman ..?
Pak Anto
: The working woman is packing Ice Cream.
: If allowed to know, materials to make Ice Cream is made dariapa pack the hell ..?
Pak Anto
: The materials used to make Ice Cream are: egg yolks, Airmatang, Cmc food, coconut milk, condensed milk, Vanily, Sodium / sodium benzoate
: Oh «So the danger of it all there are seven types. Cream continued to way pembuatanEs themselves how and what the heck Mr. ..? Pak Anto: How to make it is composed of six ways .. First of all food Cmc dilarutkandengan water, and stir r ata, after the stirring and then filtered to smooth hasilnya.Yang the two egg yolks us feedback on the solution cmc food, then we stir evenly and yellowish Sampa - brass. The next three dansantan kitamasukan milk in egg yolk, then stir in until blended. A to-Four sodiumbenjoat Vanily and we input into the milk solution. That all five of all the dough tersebutdipanaskan until boiling. And finally, the mature kitadinginkan Six named after a while and then put into Fretzer / Fridge in order to freeze.
: Wah «How rich is also quite tiring pack ..
Pak Anto
: Sure «
: Ice Cream Oya pack that already exist berapamacam Mr. Anto Production / variant anyway ..?
Pak Anto
: That was my prouksi, until today there are seven variants. And in accordance ukuranya.Pemberita kemasberbeda different: Of the seven variants is no sense of what the hell sir ..?
Pak Anto
: Chocolate, strowberry, vanilla, Orange, Mango, Pineapple and Lychee. And of all the seven types each have a different kind.
: Of all the flavors are there, the most widely purchased a sense of what the hell wrote ..? Pak Anto: The most enjoy doing a lot in the sense of Brown, and StrawberryPemberita
: If the Ice Cream is already packed and ready to be sold kitadistribusikan / sale where aja ..?
Pak Anto
: Obviously we distribute to the Super Market, Shop - store, / warung.Disamping in dangangkan by itinerant traders.
: Darin all types of Ice Cream is sold usually with hargaberapa Mr. Pak .. hell?
Pak Anto
: If the price does depend on the type / shape, our condition menyediakanharga starting from Rp. -1.500.00, 2.000.00,, up to Rp. 10.000.00-,.
: Well «The price is quite affordable as well yes sir. And the sale of Ice Cream keuntungah darihasil the perbulanya how ..?
Mr. Anton
: Benefits / Profits We get from the overall results achieved penjualanhampir-,
: Large very «If I can tell from the results of this effort gunakanuntuk what Mr. Pak ..?
Pak Anto
: From the results of these efforts I use to pay my employees, Akomodasiperusahaan, the needs of my life and my family. And also the cost of my child's school dankuliah.
: After such a successful father. Plan to depanya like what ..?
Pak Anto
: My plan for the future is I want to keep my meningkatkanperusahaan both in terms of quality and quantity.
: Then congratulations and success deh Pak. Hopefully what you were expecting .. Amiiin danimpikan can come true .. Maybe our interview with Mr. We rasasudah enough, and we thank you so much for your time and also Bapakluangkan to Us The information that we need. Kamimengucapkan Once again thank you profusely, and if there are words of Kamiyang would not pleasing to our Father apologize profusely ..
Pak Anto:
On this occasion we are going to interview an entrepreneur who telahsukses Ice Cream in berdagangnya until he could send his son and lecture. The following is the content of our interview with the ice cream vendors, namely Mr. Anto
: Good morning sir «??
Pak Anto
: Yes .. Morning «
: Excuse me Sir, Sorry to bother you for a while, can we mewawancaraiBapak ..?
Pak Anto
: Yes May. Please ..
: Who is the name of the Father,
Pak Anto
My name is Anto.
: How long Mr. Ice Cream to open a business ..?
Pak Anto
: Approximately already almost twenty years
: First we thank you very much on the willingness kerana Pak Antountuk interviewed. How is the beginning of Pak Anto Working as seorangpengusaha Ice Cream ..?
Pak Anto
: At first I still do not get along to sell Ice Cream this. But karenamasalah ever growing economy and also increased my hidupkeluarga needs more and more. I therefore take the liberty untukmembuka this business
: Sir if I may know how it started a business venture Bapakmenjadi Ice Cream, to succeed like this ..?
Pak Anto
: In the beginning aya only work as itinerant traders Ice Cream. Tetapisetelah I got enough capital, I tried to open his own usahatersebut.
: It was first of this effort is Mr. memebuka sendiriatau father worked in the Bantu by other workers ..?
Pak Anto
: Heck the first time I was working alone. But it is increasingly busy, I decided to look for workers.
: How The father of the workers at that time ..?
Pak Anto
: It was my work number only five.
: And the father of the number of workers up to now it has reached berapaorang ..?
Pak Anto
: It's been nearly fifty people.
: Oh yes sir .. The workers Mr Men or Women ..?
Pak Anto
: Men and Women, but the most hell man
: If it works what the hell man sir ..?
Pak Anto
: Kebanyakanya heck they become sellers / traders around. In sampingmembuat Ice Cream.
: And the woman ..?
Pak Anto
: The working woman is packing Ice Cream.
: If allowed to know, materials to make Ice Cream is made dariapa pack the hell ..?
Pak Anto
: The materials used to make Ice Cream are: egg yolks, Airmatang, Cmc food, coconut milk, condensed milk, Vanily, Sodium / sodium benzoate
: Oh «So the danger of it all there are seven types. Cream continued to way pembuatanEs themselves how and what the heck Mr. ..? Pak Anto: How to make it is composed of six ways .. First of all food Cmc dilarutkandengan water, and stir r ata, after the stirring and then filtered to smooth hasilnya.Yang the two egg yolks us feedback on the solution cmc food, then we stir evenly and yellowish Sampa - brass. The next three dansantan kitamasukan milk in egg yolk, then stir in until blended. A to-Four sodiumbenjoat Vanily and we input into the milk solution. That all five of all the dough tersebutdipanaskan until boiling. And finally, the mature kitadinginkan Six named after a while and then put into Fretzer / Fridge in order to freeze.
: Wah «How rich is also quite tiring pack ..
Pak Anto
: Sure «
: Ice Cream Oya pack that already exist berapamacam Mr. Anto Production / variant anyway ..?
Pak Anto
: That was my prouksi, until today there are seven variants. And in accordance ukuranya.Pemberita kemasberbeda different: Of the seven variants is no sense of what the hell sir ..?
Pak Anto
: Chocolate, strowberry, vanilla, Orange, Mango, Pineapple and Lychee. And of all the seven types each have a different kind.
: Of all the flavors are there, the most widely purchased a sense of what the hell wrote ..? Pak Anto: The most enjoy doing a lot in the sense of Brown, and StrawberryPemberita
: If the Ice Cream is already packed and ready to be sold kitadistribusikan / sale where aja ..?
Pak Anto
: Obviously we distribute to the Super Market, Shop - store, / warung.Disamping in dangangkan by itinerant traders.
: Darin all types of Ice Cream is sold usually with hargaberapa Mr. Pak .. hell?
Pak Anto
: If the price does depend on the type / shape, our condition menyediakanharga starting from Rp. -1.500.00, 2.000.00,, up to Rp. 10.000.00-,.
: Well «The price is quite affordable as well yes sir. And the sale of Ice Cream keuntungah darihasil the perbulanya how ..?
Mr. Anton
: Benefits / Profits We get from the overall results achieved penjualanhampir-,
: Large very «If I can tell from the results of this effort gunakanuntuk what Mr. Pak ..?
Pak Anto
: From the results of these efforts I use to pay my employees, Akomodasiperusahaan, the needs of my life and my family. And also the cost of my child's school dankuliah.
: After such a successful father. Plan to depanya like what ..?
Pak Anto
: My plan for the future is I want to keep my meningkatkanperusahaan both in terms of quality and quantity.
: Then congratulations and success deh Pak. Hopefully what you were expecting .. Amiiin danimpikan can come true .. Maybe our interview with Mr. We rasasudah enough, and we thank you so much for your time and also Bapakluangkan to Us The information that we need. Kamimengucapkan Once again thank you profusely, and if there are words of Kamiyang would not pleasing to our Father apologize profusely ..
Pak Anto:
Senin, 05 Maret 2012
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